Installing the test application onto a Nexus Player

Install the Dolby test application onto the Nexus Player by using a Windows PC.


  • You must have access to the Dolby Digital Plus Online Delivery Kit.
  • The development mode has been enabled for the Nexus Player.
  • ADB tool has been installed on the Windows PC.
  • The Nexus Player is connected to a display device (for example, a TV).

About this task

The Dolby test application is not available from the Google shop; you must follow the steps described in this section for installation.


  1. Download or copy the file to an appropriate directory on the PC.

    If you have had the kit downloaded and unpacked on your local PC, locate the .zip file in the <kit parent directory>/Test_Apps/AndroidTV/ directory.

    Otherwise, download the .zip file from the web page <kit starting page>/Test_Apps/AndroidTV/ on the DISC website (

  2. Unzip the file, and make sure the unzipped folder AndroidTV_app contains a AndroidTV.apk file.
  3. Connect the Nexus Player to the PC with a USB cable.
  4. Open a command-line prompt window from the PC, and run this command from under the AndroidTV_app folder.
    adb install AndroidTV.apk
    After the installation has completed, the test application icon will appear on the main page of the Nexus Player. If the icon is not displayed on the main page, find it in Settings > Device > Apps > Downloaded apps.Android TV in Downloaded apps